Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Getting Started

So if you were a Girl Scout you recognize the concept of "a good turn", we're supposed to turn one out on a daily basis (if you weren't a scout, it basically means that you have to do something that would be helpful to others). I think the point is the more you do, the more you see to do. I am doing that, giving back.
After 34 years of a less than admirable actions (actually more like 15 years of selfishness) I am feeling the need to do a good turn. I know that I am only one person that cannot save the world so I am satisfied doing what I can. As a stay at home mom to a sixteen year old and a three month old (both girls) I am limited on both time and energy. I have to manage my time wisely and keep my motivation high. This blog is being created for the motivational part.
As I said earlier, I am a thirty-four year old desperate housewife. I am the proud mother of two amazing girls and have the best husband on the planet. I should be a very happy person, and I am, but there is so much more I can be doing. They say the land is borrowed from our children and our children are borrowed from God, I would like to return them both in a better condition. Teaching my children how to be a decent human that can help humanity rather than hinder is very important to me. I choose to teach by example.
So here is my journey to a more purposeful existence. Just for the record I am not a hippie or a religious crusader. I am your average girl with faults and good qualities alike. Just trying to do what I can. I once helped a friend host an Alex's Lemonade Stand, I have decided that would be my start. I have signed up to host my own lemonade stand at the end of this summer. Honestly, I can't wait!!!!

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